Step 4 of The PG Evolution: Stage Experiments
Two plays continue the development process by adding directors, rehearsal and a little time. Guests are requested to partake in a short moderated talk back based on questions provided prior to reading.
A Home for Emerging Artists.
11:30 am
Incomplete Party by Danielle Winston
directed by Rick Hamilton
Stage Managed by Tim Laschkolnig
Featuring: Charlie Wilson, Diana Cherkas, Imran Sheikh, Preeti Gupta
Girl meets boy. Girl loses boy. Girl and boy find a hot body. Love, death, and Hellcats collide in this dark romantic comedy set in a magical New York City.
Why Us? by Brad Makarowski
directed by Melisa Annis
Stage Managed by Frances Timberlake
Featuring: Brendan Daugherty, Cait Cortelyou, Jasmine Spiess, Marina Barry, Nick Locilento, Roy Flores
It may not be the first time someone fell in love, but it may be the first time Frank and Izzy fell in love. And god only knows if the things that pop into their lives are a miracle, dumb luck or something they may forget.