A PG Experience "FUN"draiser
DROP AND GIVE ME 10 17 Math is Fun?
Timing may vary
6:00pm -6:15pm ET Introductions/Announcements
Group 1: 6:15pm -6:45pm ET
*Erin Moughon- Emily Mervosh, Laura Chaneski, Richard Taylor
*Ben Dworken- Courtney Megaro, Jenny Green, Mary Lauren
*Rex McGregor-Jasmine Spiess, Jim Cairl, Michelle Wafford
Group 2: 7:00pm -7:45pm ET
*Mary Supley- Catherine Overfelt, Mary McGloin, Teri Black
*Laurel Lockhart- Emma Shafer, Laurie Tanner, Renee Nicole Gray
*Donna Gordon- Kristen Tripolitis, Laura Pelliccia, Orlando Rodriguez
*Katie Duggan- Helene Galek, Kathleen Conway, Starina Johnson
Intermission Dance Party
Group 3: 8:00pm -8:30pm ET
*Maria Arreola- Denise Lock, Gabrielle DiBenedetto, Madison Smith
*Courtney Seyl- Chamari White-Mink, Marie Elena O'Brien, Max Raymond
*Darpan Joshi-Jet Jameson, Lluvia Almanza, Matthew Menendez
Stage Directions Readers Time is 5pm-9pm ET Use form below
Audience Time 6pm-9pm ET RSVP HERE
Donations will be requested on the Night of the Event!
Fundraising Goal is $400
PROMPTS to look for throughout the event
1. Takes place at a bar (any location in the bar)
2. A problem must be solved
3. A mathematician must be in scene (famous or not)
4. A formula must be mention (real or imaginary)
5. A division takes place
Sign Up to be an Audience Member
What is Drop & Give Me 10?
The Anti-10 Minute play festival. Instead of writing a one-off 10 minute play, we ask writers to write the first 10 minutes of a new play from 5 prompts, using the amazing PGE casting pool of actors.
In 3 steps what is it?
1. Playwrights will be assigned PlayGround Experiment Actors and 5 writing prompts.
2. Playwrights have 10 days to write the first 10 minutes of a new play with those actors in mind.
3. Actors read this new work created for them as we celebrate the birth of this new work and raise some funds to continue PGE programing.
FYI- Plays that have started at Drop have been accepted into The PG Evolution development process. And some have had productions beyond the PGE.