The PGE Presents: Conversations Between Artists
This is our chance to talk with each other about topics that we as artists, creatives and humans need to have. The key is we talk to and with each other. There is no panel or special guest that is smarter on a topic. We are the collective smarter panel.
Topic to be conversed:
From Thought to Page
What does diversity in theater mean to you? What does diversity actually look like on stage?
What are stereotypes? When is it justified to use them, if ever.
If you're not part of a marginalized group (woman, person of color, lgbtq, etc), then what do should the role/responsibility be, if any, in working towards a more diverse theater?
When writing can your characters be cast ethnically/racially diverse, if those characteristics are not central to the characters?
What can we do, as an artistic community, to promote inclusion from the earliest stages of development that can influence professional levels?
What can we do to foster an intersectional approach to diversity in theatre creation?
6:00pm-6:30pm Gather
6:30pm-8:30pm Talk
8:30pm-9:00pm Re-gather