Volume 89
February 25, 2019
Stage Directions: Monica Rey & Perryn Pomatto
The Olde Curiosity Shop by Brad Makarowski
With Christine Redhead and Andrew Griffin
Parallax & Prosody by David Michael Kirby
With Bryan Patrick Stoyle and Paul Peglar
Girl Loves God by Mickey Johnson
With Marie Eléna O'Brien, Claire Shiell, Matthew Menendez (Monica Rey on Stage Directions)
Henry and Henry by AJ Clauss
With (Perryn Pomato on stage directions), Gabriel Mark Leung, Jayson Speters, Emily Daly, Oriana Lada
I’ll Meet You in Darjeeling by Marina Barry
With Doug Rossi, Charlie Wilson, Kirsten Hopkins, and not pictured, Brad Makarowski & Helene Galek
Shiva by Ilene Fischer
With Lily Fryburg, Veronica Dang, Chase Naylor, Sara Parcesepe, Nick Locilento, Maya Rosewood, Perryn Pomatto on stage directions and not pictured, Monica Rey